• I designed this testing processes based upon EPA recommended methods for ammonia and hydrogen sulfide monitoring. We moved a portable trailer to an actual hog building that I use for my monitoring systems to an actual facility. I monitored the background air in the hog barn for approximately two weeks to get a good background sample. Then the MOC7-S was applied to the pits of the hog facility. The hydrogen sulfide was almost immediately knocked out up to 95% and the ammonia concentration was reduced to 75%.

    Jerry Monnig – VP Inquest Environmental, Inc

  • I’ve used the product in the buildings. It drastically reduced the fly population in the buildings. It keeps the pit liquified. And when you have a liquid pit those fly do not have a place to lay eggs, and it keeps the populations down. The pigs seem to do a lot better. The environment in the building is a lot better so the pigs are less aggressive. I tried it in one building and not in the one next to it. And the pigs in the treated building did much better than the other building.

    Gary Asay, Illinois

  • I wasn’t there the afternoon when they treated put it in. We were busy harvesting. I noticed that evening when I got there, there was not odor coming from the pit fans. I went into the barn and the pigs were quiet. Surprisingly our nitrogen content jumped about 30 pounds per 1,000 gallons since we’ve starting using MOC7-S.

    Jason Newberry, Iowa

  • That night when I went to walk through the pigs it was a little harder to get them up just because they were resting comfortably for the first time in their whole lives. They weren’t coughing or thumping. And since then we haven’t had to use as much medication for lung issues, because of the ammonia.

    Wendy Newberry, Iowa

  • Reducing the gas has quite a bit of effect on the livestock. If you’re in there and your eyes water, if your lungs burn because of the ammonia smell, it’s gotta be bad on the hog also for respiratory. What we found in our hogs is they seem to be calmer. Every batch is different from what you get from the integrator, but the pigs just seem to be a little calmer. They don’t have the red eyes when the pigs are small like they had with the gas issues. They seem to look a little bit better.

    Merlin McClure, Illinois

  • What we have seen from producers that have been using MOC7-S is that by applying it to the pit less proteins are fermented. That’s where the nitrogen increase in the pit occurs. Some of the work we’ve done, the results we’ve seen, is we can increase the nitrogen content in the pit about two fold. What we think happening is the protein in the manure gets fermented. If we can keep protein from being fermented, from the work we’ve done in the laboratory, appears to be what MOC7-S is doing. If we can keep that protein in the pit, that’s the nitrogen that goes out in fertilizer.

    Monty Kerley, PhD University of Missouri Animal Science